Legal notice

The Site provides information on the company ALEIA SAS and its subsidiaries.

This site is published by ALEIA SAS with a capital of 10.000 € whose registered office is 31-33 avenue de Wagram, 75017 Paris – France, 898 039 656 R.C.S. Paris and whose telephone number is +33 (0)1 84 19 52 02.

The director of publication is: Mr Antoine COURET
Hosting : OVH, 2 Rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix
Creation of the website : Creation and design of the website : NOCHICHI, 63 rue de l’université 75007 Paris

ALEIA provides the Site under the condition that you agree to respect the present legal notice. ALEIA advises you to regularly refer to the latest version of the legal notice.

In any case, you are deemed to have accepted the legal notice by simply consulting the Site. Any consultation of the Site implies acceptance of the legal notice in its latest version.

ALEIA may modify the present legal notice and the Website at any time and without prior notice. ALEIA advises you to regularly refer to the latest version of the legal notice. You are deemed to accept this latest version each time you visit the Site.

Protected rights

The elements constituting this Site, developed by or on behalf of ALEIA and its subsidiaries (‘Content’), are protected by applicable copyright, trademark, design and unfair competition legislation.

Content includes, among other things, architecture, graphic charter (including colours, fonts and graphical screen organization), as well as all the information and elements available on the website, such as texts, articles, photographs, illustrations, images, marks and logos (such as ALEIA), data, databases and all sound elements (such as voice, music or sound) and fixed or animated visuals (such as graphic animations or audiovisual sequences), specific software developments, downloadable programs.

Content is owned by ALEIA and its subsidiaries or technical providers.

Any reproduction, representation, dissemination and/or exploitation of all or part of the Content, by any means, in any form and for any purpose, is possible, provided that the source (the Site and ALEIA and/or its subsidiaries) must be clearly stated, as well as, if necessary, the author’s name provided that the restrictions of reproduction, representation, dissemination and/or exploitation are respected: to know them, please contact ALEIA.

Anyone who does not comply with the applicable legal provisions is guilty of the offence of counterfeiting and is liable to criminal penalties under the law, notwithstanding any other recourse by ALEIA and its subsidiaries.


ALEIA and its subsidiaries exclude any guarantee of any content, including any guarantee of quality, suitability for a particular use, ownership and no counterfeiting. In addition, ALEIA and its subsidiaries exclude any liability for any direct or indirect damage, incidents or incidents, data or profit loss, resulting from, or related to, the use or operation of this Site and content.

In addition, the Site may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors.

ALEIA cannot be held liable in the event of interruption of the access networks to the Site, total or partial unavailability of the Site resulting in particular from the telecommunications operator, in case of transmission error or transmission security problem, in the event of a failure of your receiving equipment or telephone line.

ALEIA may have to interrupt access to the Site for maintenance reasons. This interruption will be notified by means of a warning on the site’s homepage or by any other process. This interruption cannot in any way incur the responsibility of ALEIA and does not entitle it to any compensation.

Changes and updates are regularly made on this Site. In this regard, ALEIA and its subsidiaries reserve the right to make any changes, corrections or changes, at any time.

The links on this Site make you leave the Site. These links are provided for your convenience alone, and do not involve any approval or visa of these sites by ALEIA and its subsidiaries. The target sites are not under the control of ALEIA and its subsidiaries, and they are not responsible for the content of these sites, the links they contain, the products or services they offer, or any changes or updates that are made to them.

The trademarks, product or service names, domain names and corporate names mentioned on this Site remain the property of their respective owners.

The mention of links or trademarks, names, services, domain names and names of other companies does not imply the existence of any association between ALEIA and its subsidiaries and these companies, products or services, brands, names or denominations in question, other than those clearly expressed on the Site.You are solely responsible for the use you make of the Site.

You are responsible for any damage that ALEIA may bear due to the use of the Site that does not comply with applicable laws and/or regulations and/or provisions.

Protection of privacy

Visiting the Site is possible without having to reveal your identity or any other personal information about you.

You expressly agree that personal data about you that could be collected in connection with the use of the Site is only processed for the commercial management purposes of the Site.

For personal data collected via the ‘contact us’ collection form, all fields marked with an asterisk must be filled in order to process your request for information or to be contacted for a project. Otherwise, ALEIA may not be able to provide the services requested above.

Under the provisions of (i) the amended Act 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to computers, files and freedoms and (ii) of the European Parliament and Council Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals, with respect to the processing of personal data and the free flow of such data applicable as of May 25, 2018, ALEIA undertakes not to make any other uses of your personal data than for the strict purposes outlined above. ALEIA undertakes not to carry out treatments, contrary to the purposes outlined above, not to publish, disclose or transmit information about you, without your prior consent.

ALEIA informs you that, in accordance with the CNIL’s DI-007 Exemption, which decides to exempt the declaration of treatments for information and external communication purposes (declaration exemption decision 7), the database likely to contain this personal data is strictly in accordance with the framework set out in this deliberation.

Under the provisions of (i) Amended Act 78-17 of January 6, 1978, on the computer, files and freedoms and (ii) of the European Parliament and Council regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 relating to the protection of individuals, the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data applicable from 25 May 2018, you have access rights, right to correct, right to delete, right of restricted processing, right to obtain a copy of your personal data for your own purposes or to provide it to another company of your choice and the right to object to the processing of your personal data when it is processed for direct marketing purposes.

You can also withdraw your consent at any time if the treatment is based on your consent. To exercise these rights, simply apply by mail to:


47 rue de Ponthieu

75008 Paris

Or by e-mail at:

ALEIA undertakes to implement the appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect personal data from accidental or illegal destruction, accidental loss, tampering, dissemination, or unauthorized access.

The Site and these legal mentions are subject to French law.

Any dispute that arises concerning the interpretation and/or enforcement of these legal references will have to be the subject of an attempt at an amicable settlement.

Law applicable/competent jurisdiction

The Site and these legal mentions are subject to French law.

Any dispute that arises concerning the interpretation and/or enforcement of these legal references will have to be the subject of an attempt at an amicable settlement.

In the absence of an amicable settlement, the dispute will be submitted to the relevant Paris courts.